5 avril 2009
(Sunny with clouds, 20°C)
I arrived in Sydney last night! What a crazy city! The architecture is stunning. I took a night tour and some photos—it was as busy at 1 am as rush hour! I think I’m really going to love this city! Today, it’s sightseeing during the day! And tomorrow, Dylan and Yann arrive—they’re currently in Dubai!
6 avril 2009
Sydney > Macksville
(Cloudy, 20°C)
I’m no longer alone! Dylan and Yann arrived this morning in Sydney (Dylan lost his luggage with Emirates in Dubai!). We then took the train to a small village near Macksville on the east coast—a house by the sea 🙂 Six days of relaxation!!
10 avril 2009
(Cloudy, 24°C)
Already 4 days spent in Macksville—beach, sandcastles, and relaxation were on the agenda! Done! Sunday, we’re taking the train back to my favorite city, Brisbane! Today, we finalized our plans for the next 2 weeks! It will be stressful; we’re renting a van to travel to Melbourne and finish in Sydney!
13 avril 2009
(Showers, 24°C)
Back in Brisbane!! Well, the weather isn’t great today, but it’s great to see this beautiful city again—it’s definitely my favorite! Yesterday, we toured the city, and in the evening, I met up with Antoine and Aurélie. We had Chinese food. Today, after attempting to go to Lone Pine where it was too rainy, we decided to go shopping in the city (not sure if it was a good idea lol). I spent $200 on clothes—first time for me lol!
15 avril 2009
(Sunny and not cold)
We left Brisbane with our very colorful van! We couldn’t choose the theme, so we had a good laugh when we saw it! We drove towards the Gold Coast, where we arrived in the evening. Then we left the coast to find a small park in a village in the hills to sleep. This morning, we hit the road for 700 km towards Beaudesert, Warwick, Goodiwindi, Moree, and finally ended up in a McDonald’s in Narrabri, where we’ll try to find a campground for a good shower ^^
18 avril 2009
(Sunny with clouds)
We arrived in Melbourne yesterday!! It was quite a challenge after spending 3 days driving through the outback with nothing around—what a change! The four-lane highways and busy traffic! It’s a beautiful city; we haven’t explored it yet because we visited Dylan’s contact, a very nice family who speaks a mix of French and English (the Gelbs) ^^ very funny! Very warm welcome! We slept the first night in front of their house in the van 🙂 Today, after sleeping in, we checked into our YHA hostel in Melbourne and went to Victoria Market for some shopping! Tonight, we were invited to dinner at the Gelb family’s—very warm welcome, and the food was great (it’s been a while ^^) I also booked (surprisingly) the next leg of my trip! I hadn’t planned this, but I’m flying on April 27 from Sydney to Christchurch in the South Island of New Zealand!! I’ll spend 9 days there before heading to Auckland, the capital 🙂
21 avril 2009
Melbourne > Eden
(Sunny and cool)
Back on the road again! On Sunday, we went to a huge shopping mall! I spent some money—bought a bag; I needed one because my old one was too worn out for New Zealand ^^ Then, in the afternoon, we visited St. Kilda, a famous Melbourne suburb, and got a $68 fine for parking in the wrong place… a fine I’ll keep as a souvenir, as per the van’s book—I don’t live in Australia, so no need to pay 😀 We slept in a YHA backpacker. On Monday, we toured the city, including going up the « Rialto » tower at 253 meters and the « Eureka » tower, the city’s symbol, at 300 meters! We also visited the aquarium and saw funny and cute penguins. Today, we left Melbourne and the Gelb family aboard our « Suicide Girls » van. We followed the coast to Sydney and made a stop at a campground in Eden, where we’re enjoying the free wifi ^^
25 avril 2009
Back in Sydney after that incredible road trip 😀 In total, we covered over 3000 km in 5 days of driving! Arriving in Sydney was quite challenging with the traffic and multiple lanes, but I managed well as the driver! I think I can now drive in any city in the world after driving on the left in a huge city lol. The last two days were spent visiting Sydney—we went up the observation tower, and I bought a new wallet (I need to stop spending lol). Dylan is leaving Australia tonight; I’ll stay here for two more days before heading to New Zealand with Emirates!